
Steffi Kuhn

My name is Steffi Kuhn and from 2001 to 2006 I studied religious education and social work in Germany and Switzerland. During this time, I gained a great deal of knowledge on the needs of women in the learning and navigation of computing.

Since 2007, I have taught such courses in Singapore where I have also designed and supported websites and up-dated older one.

My goal is to make computers fun rather than to frustrate and to embrace them and what they can bring to your life.

Websites from Computers4Women

Work experience

since 2007

Self-employed with Computerfrauen/ Computers4Women

  • Computer courses
  • One-to-One tuition
  • Webdesign (Switzerland, Germany, Singapore)
  • IT-Support (Switzerland)


Church Social Worker (Switzerland)


Decon for Young People (Switzerland)


Homework Tuition for young children (Caritas) (Germany)


Au Pair in America (Florida/ Washington D.C.)



Master of Advanced Sutdies FHO in Social Informatics

Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften St. Gallen/ Switzerland

  • CAS Media Education
  • CAS Knowledge Management
  • CAS Applied Informatics


Diploma Social Work

Evangelische Fachhochschule Freiburg i. Brsg./ Germany

  • Certificate „Sport and Social Work“
  • Research science project: Anti-Semitism and Nationalsocialism as part of tuition in German schools


Diploma in Religious Education

Evangelische Fachhochschule Freiburg i. Brsg./ Germany

  • Theological Basics
  • Research science project: Anti-Semitism and Nationalsocialism as part of tuition in German schools